THE common THeme THROUGHOUT OUR WORKING LIVES has been Communication.
Our way to openly, exploratory, and permissive communicate with each other has carried us in an ongoing conversation for over 20 years. We have turned and twisted, stopped, explored, questioned to question again. We have met groups in Mindfulness and coached individually and stopped again to ask us more questions. We have practiced trust  to be tested yet again in our personal trust. Empirically, we have studied and explored, what it is to be human and what drives our actions.
It's our access to our emotions, needs and our ability for empathy, that helps us humans to connect with other people and our surroundings in general. It's in our self-experience our actions originate and where they take their first incremental steps. It is therefore important to start here, in our self- experience.
It may sound contradictory, but it's when we turn our attention inwards to explore, and put words on what we experience, that we really begin to feel participation with our surroundings. Feelings and needs are something we all have in common and therefore also share with each other.
The opposite is to ignore our experience, and unconsciously turn our eyes away from what creates belonging and trust. Instead leave us to program ourselves to an "Us vs.Them" mindset. Which happens when we are unaware of, or disconnected to our feelings and needs.
- from one person to another!
We want to inspire you to curiously explore your own Interpersonal Communication Process. As this gives you an awareness of choices and possibilities that can serve multiple purposes:
  • To change our reality
  • To bring us closer together
  • To bring new thoughts to the world
  • And to grow and develop ourselves as human beings
To take ownership of what you communicate is to give you the opportunity to make choices, that can benefit all of humanity and our planet. 
Katarina & Maria